It's that time of the year....

It's that time of the year....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Are you as tired…

of this as I am?  The negative political ads are just flooding the air waves.  It is nothing to see 6 or 8  of them on each commercial break.  I have never seen such mean spiritedness in all of my voting lifetime.  I always make it a point to vote, otherwise how could I have the right to complain if I don’t?  I know none of these people that are running for office in this area except for the governor’s race.  They are so busy badmouthing each other that neither one speaks about the issues troubling Illinois.  Like the fact that we are bankrupt and our unemployment rate is among the highest in the nation.  Then there is the senate race to fill our prez’s old seat.  Burris turned around and ran from that one.  (Can’t say that I blame him) Each one trashing the other, one ad after another.  Kirk allegedly lied about his military record and supposed medals that he won in Iraq and Giannoulias is shown arm in arm with Blagojevich shouting from the rooftops, raise taxes, raise taxes.  What is a poor old gal to do??

My doctor visit went very well.  He was as sweet as pie to me and shook my hand 4 different times.  I think somehow in the last two months he has had an attitude adjustment.  Anyway, I won’t be seeing him anymore as my primary doctor will handle it from now on.  Open-mouthed smile

It is very windy and cold here today at 43 degrees right now.  A hard freeze in the mid to upper 20s is expected for tonight.  I have grocery shopped today so I am in good shape to just stay home tomorrow.  I probably won’t do that though as I tend to get antsy if I am stuck in the house all day.

I hope you are all geared up for a great weekend.  Stay safe and be happy.

Red heart  Beth


  1. Yes, I am. I have turned to muting the tv everytime one comes on. I do look and see who is putting on the ad and if it's not done by the candidates committee I ignore it altogether. The outside interests twists things twice as bad and the many facts checking sites have proven way too many of the them to be either false of very misleading.

    A nippy 42 here.

  2. Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country - and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians. ~Charles Krauthammer

    At least on November 3rd we won't have to listen to anymore negative campaign ads and I can stop yelling at my TV :-)

  3. I don't pay any attention to them if I can.. but I sure am hating those phone calls solicting some candidate...grrr I hate those, be glad when it is over. As for the cold..not quite that cold here tonight, I am glad too, that seems like November weather to me.Stay warm and well.. : )

  4. I have to say that here in Ghana there's little talk of anything political in America for which I'm quite thankful on the other hand there are signs of corruption here that would shock even those hardened to it in other places in the world. Hopefully as the battles rage at home I'll be able to appreciate that. We have only a few days left here before returning home so hopefully I won't forget how good we've actually got it.

  5. As I'm from the UK I certainly wouldn't presume to comment on your politics,though we have just gone through our little lot, I was fed up to the back teeth with it long before they formed a government, and still it continues, with arguing and backbiting like yours, I expect it's the same the world over.
    We've hit a slightly milder spell, thankfully, as it makes the winter appear endless if it starts too early. keep warm.
    PS blog looks nice.

  6. Ya know Beth, the candidates are NOT setting a good example for the kids. Who would want to be in the lime light just to be bullied! Gee, the kids understand bullies eh?

  7. Hi Beth,
    Cannot really comment about your politics, although ours goes on and on and cutbacks etc etc. But I am very tired of what is going on with my computer, some of it is obviously to do with blogger, word press, live spaces,changes changes, but some I am not sure what is happening - some days it just seems one big mess, tonight we continously lost internet connection and now I seem unable to sign out of messenger properly. oh boy, it is not the relaxing stress free system it once was. btw, did you hear from Kerrie at all, I have heard nothing personally, but she seems to pop in and out of various things on here. I dont have any record of her on blogger now. do you? take care, hugs Nita.

  8. YES I'm so tired of it. When will they realize that we want to know what they think the problems are and how they would fix it given the chance instead of bashing each other. It's ridiculous.
    Glad to hear you had a good doctor's visit. That's what we like to hear.

  9. I don't believe in politics because they don't do what they promised to us.

    Iam more so HAPPY for you have a good result from your doctor's,I am going to have my blood test of the Cholesterol etc.
    Have a Wonderful time,

  10. I'm with you 100% on the mud slinging political ads. Luckily, 2 of the "local" TV stations have hosted debates between our congressional candidates allowing me to choose a candidate to vote for other than the one I am the least disgusted with. It was an easy choice; one candidate addressed the issues and answered the questions put to him. His opponent just kept dodging the questions and slinging mud. The sad part is, he actually still has supporters and has never said a word I am aware of about how he would get us out of the mess our country is in!

  11. I hear ya about all the commercials. It's bad enough getting them from one state, but up here we hear the liars from both Minnesota and Wisconsin. I've been abusing the mute button on my remote for a month or more. What a waste of money. Do they really thing we believe what the say?

    Wonder if other people complained about your doctor's attitude and he got the message?

    Stay warm tonight...going to be cold here too.

  12. We will go to the mid 30's tonight.

    I just laugh when I see and hear those commercials. They mean 0 to me. I am never ever influenced by them, and frankly, though I will vote for the least of the worst..none of them are any good in my opinion.

  13. here in California we are having a nasty political season with Senate seat and governor too. I am very glad election day is next week just to get the ads off the TV. It is sad too because you don't really hear what the candidates plan to do if they get elected but just bad mouthing about their opponent.

    I am glad that the doctor visit went well and that you walked away with a better opinion about him; maybe he had a humbling experience in the past few months

    love your new blog header picture! exciting that Thanksgiving is around the corner!


  14. I'm sick to death of the political ads. We did our voting today by mail, so as far as I'm concerned it's over.

  15. I really am tired of the Negative adds. I started keeping a list and then I take it in with me when I vote. I refuse to vote for the really bad ones...

    I know, it's a moot point, but it makes me feel better. :-D

  16. I guess I agree with all of you, it is disgusting! I would like to see them just say what they want to do and leave everyone else alone. Who wants to listen to this stuff, especially when the info isn't really accurate anyway!!!

  17. I totally agree with you on this political garbage invading our lives. I'm not normally a rude person, but I have been lately when I pick up the phone to hear someone tell me HOW to vote. My other complaint this season, is that the Christmas season is getting sooner and sooner. The Halloween candy is right next to the Christmas decorations. That is just WRONG! But that's another rant...Hang tight---voting is only a few days away, then all this crap will tone down...I hope.

  18. You ain't kidding about the political ads. One ad called his opponent a "poisonous kook". Some of them are humourous though the humor is unintentional. It all reminds me of "profesional wrestling".


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