It's that time of the year....

It's that time of the year....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


it is only 42 days left on the countdown to Spring.  I am killing time waiting for the time to leave for my appointment.  No breakfast this morning so I will be glad when this is done.

A worker from maintenance has been over here this morning, cleaning out the furnace and putting a new handle on the commode.  I would have said toilet but I didn’t want to offend anyone. LOL That is the best part of renting.  You don’t have to pay for maintenance.  And I will say this, the maintenance here are right on time and all very nice.   I  hope he finishes before I have to leave for my appointment.

It is another foggy, frosty day and the temp right now is 28 degrees.  I think we are supposed to get some rain or snow this afternoon and I hope I am home before then.

The maintenance worker just left which is good because it will take me awhile to get all of the frost off the car.  C’mon Spring.

You know what??  I am hungry for pizza and I just might figure out some way to have that today.  Tomorrow is the dentist and I hate that too.  I equate the dentist to a visitation.  Both equally painful.

I will finish this when I get home.


I am home from the stress test.  I didn’t have to do the nuclear part of it this time.  Just the EKGs and walking the treadmill.  I had the doctor and two nurses in there with me and it all went well.  I got my pulse rate up to the proper rate and did very well with no AFIB.  Now I am home with a little personal pizza in the oven and I plan to eat the whole thing.

You all stay safe and be happy!!



  1. Did someone mention Pizza yum haven't had one of those for donkey's years. Glad your tests went well Beth , so you can enjoy your little Pizza .
    Hugs Sheila and Wile-e ps pleasant day here today dry bright sunshine . xx

  2. BRRRRRRR COLD! I had one stress test a while back and I realized then how out of shape I was...still am. Pizza sounds good...There never a bad time for pizza! LOL
    Have an awesome day Beth!
    Blessings, Joanne

  3. I hope your pizza was as good as you anticipated! Why are you having to have so many tests and see the doctor so much? I haven't been a follower long...maybe I should go back and read past posts....I will try to do that after work tonigh. I hope you are just having yearly exams, and they are being extra careful!

    1. Go back to the first week in October of last year.

  4. Hi Beth,

    Still cold here, but snow clearing a little. I cannot wait for Spring, but guess I am going to have too :)

    Hugs Nita

  5. I'm so happy to hear the stress test went well! Yeah!!

    The personal pizza sounds good :). I'm glad I could get a chuckle about no one on the spot .. lol

  6. Good to hear that everything went well on your stress test. Pizza sounds oh so good.

  7. I'm pleased to hear that things went okay for you, hope the same can be said after the trip to the dentist, it's hard to think of anyone who does like to visit the dentist.

  8. Yes, that is one good thing about renting. You can call up and have somebody else deal with the maintenance issues. :) Glad your stress test went well!! Hurray! And the pizza sounds pizza here, but I realized haven't eaten anything yet today. Later.... :)

  9. Wow! I clicked on comments and the background changed and music! LOL! Pizza sounds good. Happy your stress test went well. Snowing here since 10am. Now where is MY maintenance man ha haa

  10. Good luck with your tests. I have to have similar things done to me, except I always end up in the hospital as as in-patient. Blasted AFIB. I wish I knew the reason for it.

  11. Pizza sounds SO good! What a good reward after a doctor appointment. :-)

  12. So happy to hear everything went well Beth. That's another appointment you can chalk off the list. YAY I never like the dentist either, but once it's over I end up saying "that wasn't all that bad." Hope you can say the same.

  13. Hi, Beth. Jim and I had pizza for dinner tonight, a healthy one from Whole Foods. Jim also has Afib, and the Cumadin or Warfarin gave him a milk alergy when he was 78. We read later that that was a possible side effect.
    Glad your test turned out well. In 2 or 3 hours it will be only 41 more days. LOL Love your countdown. It does help.

  14. So glad to hear the stress test went well for you! I've never had one but I hear they aren't easy to do. I'm ready for spring too.

  15. Sis such great news that all those tests went well. Know sometimes the aprehensions before are pretty stressful on a person. I welcome the cold because, after all it is winter, just hope there is no snow with it. Love love not having to fix anything, you are soo right having someone who is on time and comptetent to fix things makes all the difference. Hope your week will go well.. Love the person that invented personal size Pizza just enough for one!! Yummy!

  16. Beth what was the nuclear part of your taet? Do they test how well you resist radiation? You know that's how the Hulk got his start.

  17. Already feels like spring here! I miss having winter.

  18. Already feels like spring here! I miss having winter.


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