It's that time of the year....

It's that time of the year....

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy brought snow…

to my sis in WV.  The schools are closed there this morning as so many of the kids live in the hills that it is impossible for the buses to run.  There is also a  lot of snow in the mountains.  Charleston WV is without power and my nephew who is an attorney at the capitol building is home today.  Thankfully there is no snow here but the winds are to to be sustained at 30 –35 MPH this afternoon.  My thoughts and prayers are with all of those on the east coast affected by the hurricane.


Associated Press Photo (sea wall near Scituate Massachusetts)

I am getting ready today to clean out my CD collection and take them to Goodwill.  I have hundreds of CDs.  I will keep George Jones and Willie Nelson and a choice few.  The rest will go.  Perhaps I will have a giveaway here from my blog.  Just become a follower and comment stating that you would like to be entered in the CD giveaway package of 6 CDS.  I love all kinds of music so I have some of everything.  Just let me know if you are interested and I will make it happen.  If no interest then Goodwill will be the recipient.

I hope you all have a great day.  Stay safe and be happy!



  1. Good Morning Beth. I am still shaking my head at the devastation caused by that storm. My prayers goes out to each and every one of those effected. I would love to enter for a chance of your cd's What a nice thing to do.
    Have a great day Beth.

  2. Hubby and I have been watching on tv devastating. Also have prayed for the people.

    You say you have all kinds of music Cds.You would give away or use as a giveaway gidts. How sweetof you.

    I love piano music . With a nice soft touch of melody.

    I find that relaxing. When I am in my art room doing things.

    I live in Canada so it could be a big expense to mail .

    Not sure how far you wish to mail as distance.

    Very thoughtful of you.

    You sure have many.

    Carol Ann

  3. I am so happy that you are safe. So much devastation. Hope your family is okay too. sandie

  4. Happy you are safe Beth such devastation , my prayers goes out to all those people affected. I just can't believe the scale of it.
    Take Care
    Sheila x

  5. The devastaion is unbelievable. I pray your family is safe.

  6. i'm glad you've heard from your sister. i hope all will be well there.

  7. It's hard to fathom storms like Sandy and though they've been covering it extensively it's still mind boggling. Our weather warmed way up again...just uncanny. I've virtually changed completely to downloaded music via i-Tunes at this saves a lot of space. I think I rock quite a bit harder than most though like a variety of things too. Have a great day my friend.

  8. The storm is horrible! I am fascinated watching the news of the area I used to live in. I think the CD idea is a good one- I have tons of CD's, too----way too many- xo Diana

  9. What a nice thing to do with your CD's, Beth. Yes, the storm has been a devastating one. I hope your sister will be able to stay safe and keep warm in this storm! We have minimal effects from it - some wind and cooler temperatures, plus some snow in the mountains about 1 1/2 hours away.

    xo Nellie

  10. Hi Beth,

    Terribly scary scenes on our T.V. today, pleased to have just heard that my family in Toronto are safe. Also Dianne and Gail friends on blogger.

    Take Care - Hugs Nita

  11. The worst is past us now. Today just more rain but the winds are gone.
    Up at Happy Trail we got 2 feet of snow!!
    Glad all is well with your sister.

  12. Beth, I'm glad you're OK and your family.

  13. Stay warm...glad you got some cleaning and organizing done. I have been thinking of getting rid of some of my CDs too. I have so many but hardly ever listen to them. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  14. Oh Beth I do hope your sis is OK. Snow hard to believe with rain all around.
    Take care and enjoy George and Willie, I don't use mine either.. B

  15. We have a couple feet of snow in the mountains but only a hint here where I am. About 40 miles away though..another story. But the winds, like yours were hard and sustained. Trees were rockin' and rollin'.


  16. O, Beth, I guess we are all in the same boat...we have some olden CD's, too. We have ours boxed up in the "TO GOODWILL" box. :))
    Terrible ole glad your sis is ok.

  17. My boss made a trip over the weekend to Manhattan...she's stuck there. They called a prayer meeting for her safety yesterday. We prayed for everyone on the east coast.

    I not only have hundreds of cds, but I have....are you ready for this?...8 track tapes. Yessiree...if those ever come back in style, mine will be waiting. lol I haven't had anything to play them on since the 70's...but I just can't let go. I also have hundreds of 33 rpm record albums and hundreds of cassette tapes. I do have a record player and a tape player, but I never play any of them. Why? I love why don't I ever play them? My boys talked me into a Zune mp3 player years ago and we started "renting" music on our mp3 players. We get all the music we want for $17 a month to listen to and 10 songs to keep permanently. My computer will probably crash someday from all the pictures and music that are stored on here. I guess I have been paying $17 a month now for 6 or 7 years. We stopped buying cds when we bought our Zunes. I don't think they make the players anymore, but you can still download music...they have changed to where you don't get to keep ten for yourself anymore, but we were grandfathered in, so we still do as long as we don't unsubscribe or miss a payment. All three of us download music for that, so it's been a really good deal for us.

    I wish I could find an 8 track player that works.

  18. My sister told me today that the hurricane winds hit Wisconsin!!! They evacuated homes along Lake Michigan because the waves were surging over the banks! I can't imagine. Freak storm indeed!

  19. Hi Beth. I'm so glad you came through it all relatively unscathed. I have been so concerned bout all my blogging friends. What a good idea for a giveaway. Obviously it would be too much t o post to the UK but go for it girl! Joan

  20. We drove from Milwaukee along Lake Michigan through IN and OH in the wind, rain, sleet & snow. It was night. There was a rolled over truck, and it didn't look good for the driver.
    Bad storm, scary in a big rig, especially when the 53' trailer is empty. It acts like a big sail.
    Stay safe & warm. Hugs.

  21. It's so sad to see all the devastation that the hurricane brought. Prayers go out to all those affected by the storm.

  22. Hi Beth! I had the day off during the storm. In my area we were very lucky compared to those in New Jersey, New York City and the coastline of Conneticut. We had wind, we had rain, some branches down here and there including my street, but all and all things could have been much worse.

  23. I hope that the devastation that Sandy leaves behind will soon be a distant if unpleasant memory, I really feel for many of your neighbours, to lose all you hold precious, and what is part of your everyday life, must be beyond pain, Peace to you all.


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