Politics and updates...
I never get into politics when I post. However, I can't let this latest fiasco from our prez go by without making a comment. How in the world can we afford federal money to finance a war that is killing and maiming so many of our troops but we can't use federal money to finance something as important as stem cell research? It just disgusts me. This is the only statement I will make on the subject.
Jim saw the doctor today. His white count is still down, but not dangerously so. He can be around people and go in the stores etc. We see the doctor again on Aug 1st. If his count is normal then he will have more chemo that week.
The weather is still hot. We are comfortable with central air but I am having difficulty getting anything done outside.
Our street is almost finished with new curb on both sides. I will take some pictures when they finish completely.
*** "Wisdom is available from all of the people that we meet; listening for it can only be done with your own ears."
I love the quote. So true.