It's that time of the year....

It's that time of the year....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Retro Post

This morning was great. For a few hours we pretended that everything was as it used to be.

We left in our truck to go garage saling. Jim was driving and I got out and went to the sales. We stopped by Walmart where Jim rode the battery powered chair around and I walked. Then we stopped at the buffet for lunch.

Home again, shortly after noon, Jim was worn out so he lay down for a rest. I went out to the garden to keep busy and not think. I cleaned out all of the inside of the garden. All I have left now are the lima bean vines.

We saw the kidney specialist yesterday. Very nice man (handsome too, I have always thought he was the best looking doctor we have ever come in contact with). He explained a lot of things to us that a couple of other doctors never had. He said that if things progress over the next 3 chemo treatments like they have with this one that Jim probably would end up on dyalisis. He said he talked to the oncologist about alternative meds but was told this bad one was the only one that would kill the lymphoma..That brightened our day. (NOT!) The choice is clear, take the chemo, because if you don't you most likely won't be around to worry about having dyalisis.

We will go on as we have been, living one day at a time and trusting in the Man Upstairs.

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