It's that time of the year....

It's that time of the year....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Prayer request from my sis in WV…

“Beth, please go on your blog and ask for prayer for a young lady at Mainstream.  Her name is Angel.  She was seriously injured this morning in a car accident going to work.  She has a broken collarbone, tailbone and pelvis.  Also a severe cut in the groin area and numerous other cuts.  She has two small boys and is a single mother without insurance.  So if you will just ask them to pray that an angel will be with Angel.”  THANK you all for your kind thoughts and prayers for Angel. 

Red heart  Beth


  1. Will add her to my prayers Beth. I sure hope things go well for her.

  2. Prayers here too and sure hope things work for her soon.

  3. Thank you. The doctors have not yet decided what they will operate on first. I talked to Angel and she said please continue to pray. So to everyone from Angel. Thank you. Rae

  4. with a name like Angel,, how could she be far from prayer? DOn

  5. Hi Beth,

    Prayer said - hope you have a good weekend. no news from our friend I guess, Hugs Nita

  6. You have my Prayers Beth for her , her children and everyone that is involed . You as well.

  7. Praying all will be well with Angel.

  8. My prayers for Ange and her children hope getting better situation.

  9. Prayers sent there way.

  10. Prayers for Angel and her children hope all is well.

  11. Absolutely, Beth. Prayers being said from here in Virginia as well. LOTS of power in prayer. We will all lift her up. xoxoxo

  12. Got the note elsewhere and already prayed...I believe in miracles!

  13. Will send prayers to Angel as well Beth and pray for a speedy recovery!

  14. Oh Beth how awful! I hope in some way we can all help.

  15. Absolutely Beth. We're on it..God bless her.

  16. Will add my prayers as well for Angel and her children. May she and her family see a brighter day. Hugs


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