and I got hugged first. Today was my last doctor clearance visit before the surgery and radiation. I saw my Dr. D and my BP is managed and my kidneys are stable right now. When I told the doctor that I would miss him he said that he was going to miss me too as I was one of his spunkiest patients.
spunk•y (ˈspʌŋ ki)
adj. spunk•i•er, spunk•i•est.
plucky; spirited.
spunk′i•ly, adv.
spunk′i•ness, n.
As the doctor was leaving he gave me a big hug and wished me well. So I got to hug him back without having to work up the courage to do so. I am really going to miss him.
As the days draw closer to surgery I am beginning to have quite a bit of pain and a bad earache. It is becoming more difficult to eat, swallow and even talk. I appreciate all of your kind thoughts and prayers. May God Bless you all! Stay safe and be happy!!